South Africa

Our Motivation, Our Heritage

The SAAF, the Museum and our Heritage. Swartkop in the late 1940s: Spitfires and Harvards in the foreground, with Dakotas and then Venturas behind them. Note how bare the landscape was. Heritage is a word which has many strings to its bow. Its meanings include birthright, inheritance, patrimony, bequest & estate, endowment, objectives & qualities, …

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Spitfire restoration progress update – February 2016

Spitfire 5518’s restoration progress: The stripping, cataloguing and evaluation of the components from the aircraft’s fuselage have been underway for several months. Work continues with other major assemblies: wings, undercarriage, engine frame, etc., to facilitate further inspection and transportation. The project is now moving into a structuring phase. An undertaking of this nature is a …

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