Help Fund the Spitfire Restoration Project


what we need

The Spitfire Restoration Project’s hangar is currently under construction at AFB Swartkop. We are in need of funds or material donations to complete the structure. Get in touch with Ian Grace our Project Lead on +27 82 452 5291 or at if you wish to donate. Alternatively, make a direct donation via SnapScan, PayPal or via EFT. 

The Spitfire Restoration Project Friends of the South African Museum is an NPO (Non-Profit Organisation) 016-007, South African Aviation Foundation Museum,

NBO (Non-Benefit Organisation) 18/11/13/1419

Click on the button to reach our CONTACT US page to request our Internet Banking Details from a Project Member.


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Project donations can be made via PayPal on our GoGetFunding Crowdfunding Campaign.